I don't know if anyone ever thanks a "Mediator" and I have no idea where we are going but being able to communicate with "Annie" has meant a lot to me. I can only imagine how difficult it could be with couples who truly don't love or even like each other anymore. After sitting down with her again, that would never be the case with us. Our job is to try to make your job as easy as we possibly can as we continue to work towards resolution. I'm pretty sure I speak for both of us. Keep up the good work "Coach".
Despite this very crazy year - it's been a while since we've been in touch (thankfully for me!) I am still so grateful for your help with my mediation last year. I have a neighbor I am recommending to you and told her how great you are!
I wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude. As you know it has been extremely challenging for me and after working with you it has been transformative for me as a person. I'm happy to update you that me and my ex-husband are doing an incredible job working together to co-parent. My girls are starting to adjust to our new normal and there are more good days than bad. I've been seeing someone who is also recently divorced who makes me feel so seen and appreciated and just helps me have fun again! I am grateful for these moments.
Thank you so much Regina! You were a huge blessing during a really difficult process. I would not hesitate to recommend you to someone in the future!
I am so excited to hear about your new online program. Family Transitions was so good for Ben and me and I am grateful that we found you. In divorcing, Ben and I both have learned that it is a transition and it doesn't have to be a fight. I'd love for the world to know that! We have settled quite a bit and are both doing well. Our relationship is like the one you described to us on the first day we met. We will forever be friends and I am very proud of us. I think your process in assisting couples is successful and much-needed service in today's world!
Thank you Regina. The meeting tonight was hard and emotional but in the end unexpectedly comforting. I appreciate your effort and compassion for our family.
I am so glad we are going about separating this way with your program. It gives me more time to figure out where and how I want to land.
I wanted to thank you for all of your help over the past several months. I have gained a lot from the recordings and calls that I was on. I am hoping once we make it thought the holiday season, things will pick up and move more quickly in terms of finalizing everything in our agreements and moving forward with our lives!
Thank you so much! You are slowly giving me my freedom from the abuse and little by little my load feels lighter. You truly are a blessing!
Overall this is a really great program. I love how you integrate both the legal and emotional aspects of divorce and provide a healthy way to get through this difficult process.
My feelings are everywhere! I have started reviewing your modules and I like the way the program helps me understand how to make this process less destructive for my family as we move through this transition.
Scott and I have been able to work well together (really for the first time in years) throughout this process and we're both supporting one another with whatever we need as we transition. The kids are seeing this which makes it so much less traumatic for them. So far it's been a very. healthy process and I believe once we make the final transition everyone will feel confident with our future as a family.
Regina- Kudos to you for dedicating your life to making this a reality for so many people. It's not just about the kids who benefit exponentially, but the adults as well. My family is lucky in so many ways - I wish everyone chose this path.
We went to the courthouse today and signed the Divorce Complaint. Thank you for always being there for me! It was quite a journey and I am looking forward to a brighter future.
Thank you! I am taking chances that I would never have even dreamed of when I was married. The holidays were rough but I finally feel like I am standing on my own two feet with getting an apartment. This was the next step for my kids and me to heal and I am glad I did it. You have been a lifesaver!
Thank you so much, I know that the meeting was a little tense but you navigated it wonderfully and we have been able to stay on good terms with communicating. I appreciate everything.
You're making this process so much easier for us than what our daughter went through with a traditional divorce. We are not enemies, which is a win for our children and grandkids!